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Donna Race | all galleries >> Olympus SP-560 ~ West Virginia Images >> Olympus SP-560 ~ First Images and Impressions ~ [6 galleries] >> Olympus SP-560 ~ Learning the Features 11/19/07 > PB190643.jpg
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19-NOV-2007 Donna Race


With the TCON17 at full zoom and Macro Mode. One of the first shots using Auto High ISO...note ISO800.
Taken through window, I will do a little post-processing on this one, the noise in distant background is quite visible.

Olympus SP-560 UZ ,Olympus TCON-17
1/250s f/4.5 at 84.2mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Steve Fink26-Nov-2007 15:35
As expected from ISO 800, noise is present but not that bad. Have you tried to print any of these shots and if so how do they look?