There was a lot of activity early this year. We have been regularly feeding a spike buck "Junior", a mama "Queenie", and her youngster "Nubbin" since the end of September.
December 7th pics were taken during a break in the rain...the deer were all wet!
Please click on a thumbnail for a larger view
Spike, waiting... 12/05/04
Spike and Nubbin 12/07/04
Spike, "food?" 12/07
Nubbin "well...???" 12/07
Nubbin "hmmmm?" 12/07
Nubbin "can't figure it out" 12/07
Spike "I can!" 12/07
"Ummm, good!" 12/07
"The last piece!" 12/07
Frank and Nubbin 12/11
:: WV Deer ~ November 2004 ::
:: WV Deer ~ October 2004 - Dedicated to my friend, Karen Stuebing... ::