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Don Boyd | profile | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Memories of Old HIALEAH, Florida - Historical Photo Galleries and Commentaries - click on image to view and read >> PALM SPRINGS Neighbors and Friends - Names, addresses and photos - click on image to read and see tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

PALM SPRINGS Neighbors and Friends - Names, addresses and photos - click on image to read and see

Click on the image below to see a listing of neighbors, friends and kids in the area in all four directions from Palm Springs Junior High. This listing was previously in the narrative about Old Hialeah and moved here because the content is large enough to be in a separate narrative.

New: the gallery on the right contains photos of the kids who grew up in my old neighborhood and who I remember

Palm Springs Neighbors and Friends - ADDRESSES and NAMES, no photos - click on image to read
Palm Springs Neighbors and Friends - ADDRESSES and NAMES, no photos - click on image to read
Palm Springs - photos of kids in my neighborhood - click on image to see
Palm Springs - photos of kids in my neighborhood - click on image to see