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06-AUG-2007 Don Boyd

5990 West 9th Lane (the former Poulson residence) (#1953)

West 9th Lane, Hialeah

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Guest 18-Jul-2012 12:04
I went to school with Laura... I lost touch with her after I moved in 1980 but I always wondered what happened to her? She was one of my best friends growing up.

Kim Coulter
Don Boyd01-Jul-2009 19:25
Thank you Barbara and Guest for the family name.

Guest 01-Jul-2009 17:25
This is the Poulson residence. The children were Cheryl (now Cheryl Ball), Russell and Laura. Still can't rmember the name of the parents.
Barbara Bodziok Fuentes20-Mar-2009 16:21
I believe this was the Poulson home. Only name I can remember is Cheryl. We graduated from high school together.