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06-AUG-2007 Don Boyd

5890 West 9th Lane (the former Louden family home) (#1949)

West 9th Lane, Hialeah

Only in Hialeah can you pave over your entire front yard and swale area to create one huge parking lot with absolutely no greenery.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Dorothy Louden Bialek 24-Jun-2009 01:27
My parents were the original owners of this home; as a child I helped my Father plant grass plugs to form the lawn. It's disgusting to see the rose bushes all gone and my grass ... and the big ficus out front that went through several hurricanes and was lying of its side at one time. These homes were built as SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES - have zoning laws changed?
Guest 17-Mar-2008 06:47 is outright disgusting...they apparently have the house partitioned into three...the wood plank fences on either side serve as entry ways into the efficiency apts...usually there's a front left, left rear and front right.....I've seen all kinds of crazy things serving legal process. The hard driving issue with me in general in dade county are people that park diagonally in a shopping mall parking lot and take up three perfectly usable car spaces.