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05-AUG-2007 Don Boyd

5931 West 10th Avenue (the former Allen home) (#1910)

West 10th Avenue, Hialeah

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Don Boyd11-Jun-2009 07:10
Ralph, from 1957 when the home was built until at least 1965 or maybe up until the time your family bought it. They had a daughter named Apryl, a year older than me, and son named Perry, a year younger than me, and both are in the 1963-1964 Hialeah High directory when Apryl graduated and Perry is in the 1964-1965 directory as a junior. I was in that home a couple of times in the late 1950's when Perry invited us in and it had a small screened in back porch like most of the homes in the area did at the time.

Ralph M. Rodriguez 11-Jun-2009 00:39
Wondering what years the Allen family live there? I grew up in that house from approx 1967-77 when we moved to Miami Lakes.