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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> DOWNTOWN Miami, Bayfront Park and Port of Miami Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1966 - the main library and bandshell in Bayfront Park
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JUL-1966 © 1966 Dave Kleylein

1966 - the main library and bandshell in Bayfront Park

Miami, Florida

Thank you to former Miamian Dave Kleylein (William Jennings Bryan Elementary, North Miami Junior High, North Miami High, and Norland High Class of 1962) for contributing this image.

This image is impressive due to so much change to the scene depicted since it was taken. The main library and bandshell were used by many people before they were demolished as part of politicians' perceived "progress."

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Mary Anne C 12-Mar-2011 06:02
It was a very special place in those days, and the next generations will not have the privilege of beautiful old historic buildings that they can enjoy. I am appalled that the Library has been demolished.
Nancy Foye-Cox 28-Apr-2010 20:11
I remember when they closed the old main library in Bayfront Park and moved it to the new one. I was working for Dade County then, and we symbolically moved the library books hand over hand from person to person all the way down Flagler Street from the old library to the new library.
Alb 12-May-2009 18:59
As a kid in the 50s' and 60s' I spent many happy hours in the library and sitting in the afternoon and evening sun at the bandshell. Does anyone remember the "Sunken Gardens", a small area dug out of the ground and filled with tropical foilage? It was just to the North of the library.
Joe 28-Mar-2009 03:43
Someone asked whether anyone had a picture of the old Burger Castle on NW 7th Street. I have one such picture. Feel free to ask.
jim winters 20-Jun-2008 07:26
1.does anyone remember the hydrafoil that took you from bayfront park to the seaquarium?
2.burger castle, i remember the sign, the kings legs were the steel supports for the sign!
Guest 04-May-2008 13:49
I dearly loved growing up with the bandshell and library. They should NEVER have been destroyed but that's what happens when so many people don't have a sense of history for Miami and disrespect those that do. Miami isn't Miami any longer and hasn't been for decades. Sad!
Rick Grimm 10-Apr-2008 01:09
Thanks for this special picture and memories. My dad was part of the construction crew that built the bandshell (Ron Grimm) and mom's drama school (Grimm's Dramatic School) did performances there.
Don Boyd27-Mar-2008 22:00
You won't find very many sane people out there who will disagree with your comment. So much has been destroyed and there aren't even historical plaques put up to tell the current poplulation what was once there. It's pathetic, and one of the reasons I started putting all these photos up on the net.

Guest 27-Mar-2008 18:28
Miami doesn't respect it's history..the leaders (and I use the term loosely) think everyone wants steel and glass. The library would have made a perferct museum. You would never find this kind of destruction in Atlanta, Charleston, SC or Savannah, GA. You can have new and still respect the old.
Miguel 11-Feb-2008 05:07
I remember like it was yesterday walking through the old Bayfront Park to check out books in the Main Library. I came from Cuba in 1969 and it was unforgettable just stopping to look at the statues of Bolivar and San Martin. It was a beautiful time and what a great city with all the old hotels,McAllister,Everglades,etc.
Not to mention the old Coppertone sign!
What has happened?Why is everything being torn down?
Other cities have updated in the name of progress but in Miami,with the Demolition of the Dupont Plaza,Everglades and now the Orange Bowl everything that we ever loved is dissapearing!
By the way,Does anyone have a photo of the old BURGER CASTLE on N.W. 7th Street?
Guest 07-Feb-2008 18:07
That was such a beautiful and well built library. What a shame.
Guest 21-Jan-2008 07:50
I can remember as a child going to the concerts at the bandshell. And I know the politician you refer to and the terrible mistake they made by tearing it all down. The library was beautiful but they caved in to special interests and built the new one in a style more fitting the new majority.