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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami and Florida AVIATION Historical Photos Gallery - Airports, Airlines, Aircraft - All Years - click on image to view >> Glenn Curtiss Field, Miami Municipal Airport, Amelia Earhart Field Photo Gallery > 1947 and 2007 - then and now for Miami Municipal Airport and Master (AKA Masters and Master's) Field
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1947 & 2007 Captions by Don Boyd

1947 and 2007 - then and now for Miami Municipal Airport and Master (AKA Masters and Master's) Field

Hialeah and Northwest Dade County, Florida

60 years of change, the same years as my life so far. A comparison of the 1947 image of Miami Municipal Airport (renamed Amelia Earhart Field on October 26, 1947) and Master (AKA Masters and Master's) Field with a 2007 Google image of the same location. Click on "original" below to view the largest size image.

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Don Boyd14-Jun-2016 07:05
Ken, thank you very much for posting your recollections of the air show back then. Your information is valuable to some of us trying to recall what was at that (those) air show(s) that occurred back then. You have answered a question that was posed on another page that I didn't know the answer to when the guy sent it in. My apologies for the delay in responding to your comment but sometimes I don't see the comments as they are posted and unless I visit every page I won't see the unseen comments.

Kenneth D. Wilson 03-Aug-2014 18:25
Dear Sirs;

What GREAT memories these photos and web site bring back to when I was stationed at homestead AFB, 1955 - 1957, and spent my frre weekends taveling around to the historical airports and avation sites in the Miami area, especiall Corrosion Corners,

One memorable airshow I attended was at Masters Field / Amelia Earhart Field during late Dec. 1956 to early Jan. 1957, the USAF Thunderbirds were there with their new F-100s, some one from Itlay brought over a Berneli transport with several antique Itaian autos for display, Bevo Hawrd and his Bu 133 did aerobatics and a Aerrocan Champ 7AC spray plane dusted the crowd with perfume!!!

Again, my sincere appreciation for putting together such a entertaining and informative web site!!!

Ken Wilson <><