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Early 60s Courtesy of George W. Young

Early 1960's - Plager Brothers advertisement with their NEwton phone number

Miami, Florida

They were about as famous as Johnnie & Mack by the railroad track.

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Bob Plager 19-Apr-2014 05:21
It seems to me that people only write here on hearsay of what Plager Brothers Brakes was..a great place to have your brakes relined for a decent price, since they were a factory on the back end. They were around from 1948 to 1980, and I am one of the sons, who worked for my Uncle and Father over the years in the brake shop. My Uncle died in Dec. 2011, and my father in Dec. 2013. They were the best around, and did TV commercials on Channel 7 in the 1960's and Miami Herald adds for over 30 years. There NEVER was a Stephen Plager as "Guest" stated...obviously he doesn't remember anything from the past.
Lou 11-Feb-2013 01:52
Yes, they were dishonest. My younger sister took her car in for brakes and they quoted something outrageous so she told them to just put it back together. They let her drive off with no brakes! Luckily she avoided an accident and called my dad to come get her. He almost got into a fight with the mechanics.
Steve 27-Nov-2009 15:19
I hear stories of them being scam artist back in the late 1960.
Mike 11-Nov-2009 04:16
I am nearly 60 years of age and several people who are now deceased told me in the early 1970s that they had a lot of problems in the 1960s at this place with all types of "scams" of not replacing parts, cleaning up old parts and putting them on, etc.
Jeff 30-Jul-2009 05:39
A friend of mine [now deceased] told me a story I cannot verify... that Plager Brothers were famous for "the old switcharoo"... The mechanic would reach into a bucket of oil and grease and show you the brake parts he supposedly replaced - collecting money for a brake job that many times was never done...
Guest 04-Jun-2007 07:22
Stephen Plager lived down the street from me in the early '50s. He was the son of one of the Plager Bros. When to his Bar Mitzvah.