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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> 1960 to 1969 Miami Area Historical Photos Gallery - click on image to view > 1960 - Florida Highway 25 - 36th Street Tollway (now known as Airport Expressway and SR 112) under construction, Miami
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20-JUL-1960 Florida State Archives

1960 - Florida Highway 25 - 36th Street Tollway (now known as Airport Expressway and SR 112) under construction, Miami

Miami, Florida

The 36th Street Tollway under construction in 1960. Photo is looking west with Miami International Airport in the left middle top portion of the photo. When it opened it was a dream to drive on compared to using NW 36th Street which was the major east-west arterial road in the area. We couldn't believe how fast we could get to the east side of Miami, downtown and Miami Beach from Hialeah.

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