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Don Boyd | all galleries >> People, Family and Friends Photo Galleries >> Friends Gallery #1 - 1955 to 1999 > 1970 - Johnny and LuAnn Cheleotis in Lima, Ohio and former neighbors from Hialeah
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Summer 1970 Don Boyd

1970 - Johnny and LuAnn Cheleotis in Lima, Ohio and former neighbors from Hialeah

Lima, Ohio

Johnny and LuAnn were former neighbors of mine in Hialeah, FL, who moved to Lima, Ohio, while I was in the Coast Guard during the late 60's. Our housekeeper used to babysit them and their sister Joni. Their dad John, a Marine veteran who fought in the Korean War, was like a second dad to me growing up and their mom Dotty was my Miami News counselor for a year or so.

(1513 hits on before moving to this site on 3/20/06)

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Don Boyd20-Jan-2008 06:27
Unfortunately I haven't heard from or seen them in 37 years. I don't know if he's still in the Lima, Ohio area or not. I was hoping someone who knew them in more recent years would post something. There is a newspaper article about him, and their wedding photo, in the 50's Gallery of the Old Hialeah/Old Miami/Old South Florida Gallery.

Joan Espejo 19-Jan-2008 18:12
Would like to contact John Cheleotis Sr. We are old friends from Hialeah and were cosponsors of the Young Marines in Hialeah. Do you have his email or phone number?

Tony & Joan Espejo