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Don Boyd | all galleries >> People, Family and Friends Photo Galleries >> Friends Gallery #1 - 1955 to 1999 > 1967 - Jacqueline "Jackie" Zimmerman and my Volvo 444
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Summer 1967 Don Boyd

1967 - Jacqueline "Jackie" Zimmerman and my Volvo 444

5471 W. 11th Avenue, Hialeah, Florida view map

Jackie was holding my beer for me while I took the photo, of course. She was my buddy Bob's younger sister who graduated from Hialeah High School in the Class of 1969. She moved to the San Francisco area after high school and I don't recall seeing her again after her move to the left coast. Jackie tragically passed away from breast cancer at the age of 47 on March 1, 1998 while living in San Mateo, California.
Jacqueline Zimmerman 1/12/51 - 3/1/98. Rest In Peace Jackie, it was a pleasure knowing you in our youthful days during the fantastic 60's!

Jackie's 6th grade photo at DuPuis Elementary School is now up at:

Kandy's 6th grade photo at DuPuis Elementary School is now up at:

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Robbin P. Learned 14-Oct-2008 17:04
This is a Great Picture of Jackie. I Knew Jackie At Our School,-- Palm Springs JR. High, and I Had A Huge Crush On Her, and never Forgot Her. I Talked to Her in Class, a Few Times, and she was nice, and a Great Listener, unlike some people, she Really gave you all Her attention, and Listened, to what you were saying. Besides Her Beauty, I Liked that about Jackie. At one time, Jackie was Mike Cleveland's Girlfriend, and I wished she was Mine. I was shocked to Hear of Jackie's passing, years ago, But May She Rest In Peace !!!!!!!!!!!!!!