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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> DOWNTOWN Miami, Bayfront Park and Port of Miami Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1890s to early 1900s - Miami's first railroad station with horses and carriages waiting to transport passengers
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Late 1890s-early 1900's Postcard restoration by Don Boyd

1890s to early 1900s - Miami's first railroad station with horses and carriages waiting to transport passengers

NE 6th Street, Downtown Miami, Florida view map

The father of Miami, Henry Morrison Flagler (1/2/1830 - 5/20/1913), of Standard Oil fame, brought his Florida East Coast Railway south from West Palm Beach to Miami in 1896 and that coincided with Miami incorporating into a city. The first FEC station, pictured above, was on NE 6th Street between Avenue "B" (now NE 2nd Avenue) and what is now Biscayne Boulevard. Flagler built streets, instituted Miami's first power and water systems, dredged a channel and financed Miami's first newspaper titled "The Metropolis." The citizens wanted to name the city "Flagler" but he declined the honor and suggested that they name it the old Indian name of "Mayaimi." Flagler built the famous Royal Palm Hotel on the north bank of the Miami River entrance in 1897 where the old Fort Dallas was located. This site later became the DuPont Plaza and is now having a new development built on top of those sites. See for much more fascinating information about Henry Flagler.

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Effie 18-Feb-2023 17:02
My grandparents moved to Miami in 1903. My grandfather was a conductor on Henry Flagler's FEC Railroad. My father told me that Jefferson Hinson carried a pair of Colt pistols because in Florida, his authority on the train was similar to the captain on a ship, and he provided safety for the passengers. I am researching to write our family history for my and my brother's children so I was also intrested in noting major transportation was provided by horses in the early days. Ten years later there were many automobiles present as Henry Ford developed rapid manufacturing.