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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area INDIVIDUALS and GROUPS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > Jeff Levine over the years
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Various Years Courtesy of Jeff Levine

Jeff Levine over the years

Dade County, Florida

Jeff is one of the photo contributors to this website and he has extensive knowledge of the north end of the county, particularly Miami Beach where he used to live. He owned many of the negatives and prints that are on this site at one time before disposing of his collection to collectors including Seth Bramson who has the largest private collection of old Miami memorabilia anywhere. At the time Jeff owned the photos and negatives he did a lot of research as to where various buildings were at the time of the photo and he has an incredible memory for detail.

Thank you Jeff for all your support and assistance since I started the Old Miami section of my website.

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Jeff 24-Nov-2016 02:43
Looking back over these photos, gravity sure sucks! I wish I still was as skinny as in 1972 or as [somewhat] good looking as in 1981.

Trivia: If memory serves me right, the 1981 photo was taken at Foto Express, 13120 West Dixie Hwy. in North Miami (where I was working at the time)... virtually 23 years to the day the 2004 photo was taken in the back courtyard of the same storefront... what was then Michael George's Art and Design Studio.
Ted Crownover04-Nov-2009 13:50
Thanks Don....Now we have a face to go with all that trivia.
