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1967 Don Boyd

1967 - looking south from my home at 5691 W. 9th Lane

5691 W. 9th Lane, Hialeah, Florida

My old Volvo 444 parked at home on a weekend off from the Coast Guard up at Peanut Island in Palm Beach County.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Ron Saams 06-Sep-2012 02:08
that's a really neet car.
Don Boyd21-Aug-2009 18:23
I had it less than a year. It kept breaking down on me, despite numerous trips to repair shops, and at the end of 1967 I bought a new 1968 VW Beetle because I was promoted in the USCG and transferred to Tampa and I need something reliable for back and forth travel. It did get me nonstop from Baltimore to Miami though when I was transferred earlier in the year.

Manocarz 21-Aug-2009 16:19
Man-of-cars would sure love to have that Volvo, or at least have a ride in it. What a great car!