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Early 1960's Courtesy of Joseph Amanzio

Early 1960's - the Sorrento Restaurant on SW 8th Street in Miami

3059 SW 8th Street, Miami, Florida

Thank you to Joseph Amanzio for contributing this great old image of his mom and dad's Sorrento Restaurant. Click on "original" below to see the largest version of this image.

The Joe and Lucy Amanzio family came to Miami in 1947 from Long Island, New York. They started their business in 1947 across the street in a 16-foot wide store front as a beer and wine bar known as the Pirates' Cove. They soon expanded into the next door 16-foot unit and began serving food there as the first Sorrento restaurant. They then bought a property across the street and built the new Sorrento Restaurant some time in 1959. Around that time a dinner special consisting of bread and butter, a glass of wine, a salad and pasta, desert and coffee went for $3.95.

Joseph says that his older brother Vincent Amanzio was the chef from the beginning, and took over after their father died in 1974. The Sorrento building was sold in the January 1986, after close to four decades of serving fine Italian food by the Amanzio family. Joe designed the remodeled 2nd floor private dining room in the early 1960's. It was his first commission while still an architecture student at the University of Miami.

Joseph now lives in California and is a Professor Emeritus and Architect/Urban Designer.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Allen M. Oliver 14-Feb-2021 01:30
The Amanzio family were great patrons of the Miami opera
It was de jour for Miami opera performers to dine at Sorento
The restaurant had hundreds of autographed pictures of opera stars who performed in Miami
Don Boyd19-Apr-2009 16:35
Vincent, thank you very much for the additional information. I have modified the text description under all of the photos to provide the more accurate information.

Guest 19-Apr-2009 14:35
Sorrento Restaurant was sold in January 1986. The Pirates' Cove opened in 1947, Sorrento Restaurant opened in 1959 and was sold in January 1986 making it closer to 4 decades of fine dining. - Vincent J. Amanzio, grandson of Joseph and son of Vincent
Don Boyd20-Feb-2009 03:56
Mike, thank you for posting such a great compliment to the Amanzio family. Don
Mike Hannau 19-Feb-2009 22:16
What a great restaurant.. what a great family.. Many wonderful evenings were spent there.
The cheese was the best..seems like the Amanzio's served the best of everything.