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Olympus E-620

Back Yard Birds - 2009
:: Back Yard Birds - 2009 ::
Monarch Butterfly
:: Monarch Butterfly ::
Letchworth State Park, NY
:: Letchworth State Park, NY ::
Bill - as in Hurricane Bill
:: Bill - as in Hurricane Bill ::
UpClose to things
:: UpClose to things ::
Outer Banks, North Carolina
:: Outer Banks, North Carolina ::
Spring trip to Hilton Head area, South Carolina
:: Spring trip to Hilton Head area, South Carolina ::
Bird photos 2010
:: Bird photos 2010 ::
2010 local flora in coastal New Jersey
:: 2010 local flora in coastal New Jersey ::
Fishing 2010
:: Fishing 2010 ::
gull island, Manasquan river, NJ
:: gull island, Manasquan river, NJ ::
Summer at the shore
:: Summer at the shore ::
Abby and Elsie
:: Abby and Elsie ::
2010 Fall at the Jersey Shore
:: 2010 Fall at the Jersey Shore ::