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Dominic Cantin | all galleries >> Galleries >> Spectacle Aérien International de Québec / The Quebec International Airshow > 2010
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12-JUN-2010 © Dominic Cantin


Canon EOS 40D
1/800s f/8.0 at 400.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Gilles Garon04-Sep-2010 23:20
Excellente shot! J`aime beaucoup. Bravo
Ted Busby02-Jul-2010 13:49
WOW..this guy is close to the ground...Are they are the Acrobatic guys?
Mark Krause01-Jul-2010 05:30
Great Image, perfect timing!
Marco Valk28-Jun-2010 13:15
Wow. Spectacular shot! gmv
Gerard Koehl27-Jun-2010 04:40
Terrible avec cette perspective. V