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Dominic Cantin | all galleries >> Galleries >> Harfang des Neiges / Snowy Owl >
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22-FEB-2007 © Dominic Cantin

Pentax *ist DS
1/2500s f/8.0 at 400.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Jeff B.18-Oct-2010 21:23
Fantastic clarity -- remarkably done! Love those eyes. V
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal18-Jan-2009 18:16
Great close up, beautiful detail.
I love thise gallery!!!
pierreratte12-Jan-2009 00:48
Très beau travail Dom. Félicitations,
Tom Munson28-Dec-2008 01:00
Outstanding image, Dom! A perfect shot.
Eric Martin22-Nov-2008 07:02
WoW!!! les yeux sont MAGNIFIQUE...
Martin Isabelle22-Nov-2008 02:03
Très bonne idée c'est super...V
Hank Vander Velde22-Nov-2008 01:02
Beautiful, well exposed, tack sharp image Dominic. V.
Jean Chiasson21-Nov-2008 21:49
Wow belle image superb lumière Dom vote
jychamberland21-Nov-2008 20:05
excellent close-up dominic. v.
Guest 21-Nov-2008 18:17
NICE! I see you have some owls yourself! V!