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Douglas Mathurin | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Converging Parallels Architectural Photography Gallery tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Converging Parallels Architectural Photography Gallery

Converging Parallels Architectural Photography is a concept that I started to develop about five years ago. It is a compilation of my 25 years of experience as an award winning Fine Arts Photographer, five years of experience in design and sales in the home construction industry, and my numerous home construction projects.

As a Fine Arts Photographer I have participated in numerous art events in the Washington DC and Pittsburgh areas. I have won the Leonard Sugar award for Best Black and White Photography in the Three Rivers Arts Festival, two Honorable Mentions in Photographer Forums “Best of Series”, and have had several one man art exhibits in Washington DC, Pittsburgh, PA and Flagstaff, AZ.

I began my endeavors as an architectural photographer six years ago when I started working on a series of photography books dedicated to French Gothic Cathedrals. I have photographed fifteen of these churches and have developed two books. I have photographed these churches in black & white and color and using both film and digital processes.

I entered the home construction industry in 2003 as an Inside Sales Associate for Wickes Lumber in Frederick, MD. While there I used my design skills to aid my customer in the design of doors, windows and decks and learned most aspects of home building and estimating. From there I took my design skills to Grantops, Granite and Marble where I further developed my design skill for kitchens and baths. I am also remodeling my second home.

As an Architectural Photographer I can offer not only my skills as a photographer but my knowledge of construction and design. I know what is important to architects, builders and designers and how best to show theses interest in the photograph.
Basilica of the National Shrine
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The Baltimore Basilica
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Paul Davis Restoration and Remodeling, Hechinger House
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Deco Design Studio/Stoiber & Associates
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Deco Design Studio, Yoko Barsky Architect
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Dominican House of Studies
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Paul Davis Restoration and Remodeling, Bennett House
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Creighton's Grenata Preserve Model Home
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Paul Davis Restoration and Remodeling, Glueck Kitchen
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Cherry Blossoms in Washington DC Gallery
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Kinsey Building Frederick, MD
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My Home, My Designs
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One Day at the American Museum of Art
:: One Day at the American Museum of Art ::
Spring Grove Psychiatric Hospital
:: Spring Grove Psychiatric Hospital ::
:: gerstner_house ::
Paul Davis Ellis House
:: Paul Davis Ellis House ::