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All Images Copyright Dave Clark Photography

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Squirrel eating
Squirrel eating
Squirrel canada
Squirrel canada
Squirrel in tree
Squirrel in tree
Ground Squirrel on steps
Ground Squirrel on steps
White Squirrel Olney Illinois
White Squirrel Olney Illinois
White Squirrel Olney Illinois
White Squirrel Olney Illinois
Black Squirrel
Black Squirrel
Muskrat scramble
Muskrat scramble
Deer Jubilee Collage S.P  Kickapoo Illinois
Deer Jubilee Collage S.P Kickapoo Illinois
Fawn Deer Jubilee Collage S.P  Kickapoo Illinois
Fawn Deer Jubilee Collage S.P Kickapoo Illinois
Deer Jubilee Collage S.P  Kickapoo Illinois
Deer Jubilee Collage S.P Kickapoo Illinois
Deer  Hamilton Illinois
Deer Hamilton Illinois
Mule Deer BC. Canada
Mule Deer BC. Canada
Swiss Mountain Goat. Findley Illinois
Swiss Mountain Goat. Findley Illinois
Swiss Mountain Goat. Findley Illinois
Swiss Mountain Goat. Findley Illinois
Mountain Goats Near Glacier NP
Mountain Goats Near Glacier NP
Pronghorn Antelope Buck
Pronghorn Antelope Buck
Elk Calf crossing the Madison river in Yellowstone
Elk Calf crossing the Madison river in Yellowstone
Bull ELK crossing Madison R. Yellowstone
Bull ELK crossing Madison R. Yellowstone
Bull Elk  Yellowstone
Bull Elk Yellowstone
Bull Cow Calf Elk Yellowstone
Bull Cow Calf Elk Yellowstone
Muddy Elk  in Yellowstone NP
Muddy Elk in Yellowstone NP
Wolf Ywellowstone NP
Wolf Ywellowstone NP
Wolf Yellowstone NP
Wolf Yellowstone NP
Coyote  Yellowstone NP
Coyote Yellowstone NP
Coytoe yellowstone NP
Coytoe yellowstone NP
Mule Deer Bad Lands NP South Dakota
Mule Deer Bad Lands NP South Dakota
Bison Herd  Yellowstone NP
Bison Herd Yellowstone NP
Bison Herd  Yellowstonr NP
Bison Herd Yellowstonr NP
Bison Herd along Alaskan Hwy
Bison Herd along Alaskan Hwy
Bison along Alaskan Hwy
Bison along Alaskan Hwy
Bison calf BC
Bison calf BC
Elk Banff NP Alberta Canada
Elk Banff NP Alberta Canada
Moose Denali NP Alaska
Moose Denali NP Alaska
Moose Denali NP Alaska
Moose Denali NP Alaska
Young Moose  Eielson AFB Alaska
Young Moose Eielson AFB Alaska
Early morning breakfast
Early morning breakfast
Stone Sheep Ram
Stone Sheep Ram
Stone Sheep at Stone Mtn.
Stone Sheep at Stone Mtn.
Stone Sheep at Stone Mtn.
Stone Sheep at Stone Mtn.
Stone Sheep Ram at Stone Mtn.
Stone Sheep Ram at Stone Mtn.
Rocky Mtn Big Horn Sheep
Rocky Mtn Big Horn Sheep
Rocky Mtn Big Horn Alberta Canada
Rocky Mtn Big Horn Alberta Canada
Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep
Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep
Wild Horses Canada
Wild Horses Canada
Rabbit. Watson Lake Yukon Canada
Rabbit. Watson Lake Yukon Canada
Caribou   Along the Alcan Hwy
Caribou Along the Alcan Hwy
Caribou   Along the Alcan Hwy
Caribou Along the Alcan Hwy
Caribou   Along the Alcan Hwy
Caribou Along the Alcan Hwy
Caribou   Along the Alcan Hwy
Caribou Along the Alcan Hwy
Acrobatic Squirrel
Acrobatic Squirrel
Acrobatic Squirrel
Acrobatic Squirrel
Acrobatic Squirrel
Acrobatic Squirrel
Whitetail Deer
Whitetail Deer
Young Whitetail resting
Young Whitetail resting
Don't feed the Animals
Don't feed the Animals
White tail Deer
White tail Deer
Bison in western South Dakota
Bison in western South Dakota
Prong-Horn Antelope in western South Dakota
Prong-Horn Antelope in western South Dakota
Horses near Chamberlain SD
Horses near Chamberlain SD
Badlands Prarie dog
Badlands Prarie dog
Single turkey
Single turkey
Morton park Coon 1
Morton park Coon 1
Morton park Coon 2
Morton park Coon 2
White / Red Fox
White / Red Fox
Illinois wildlife biologist believe this is a Domesticated strain of red fox that was bred for it's fur.
White / Red Fox

Illinois wildlife biologist believe this is a Domesticated strain of red fox that was bred for it's fur.

Coyotes on the move
Coyotes on the move