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Dan Greenberg | all galleries >> Car and Truck Events (110 Galleries) >> Jalopyrama 2017 > 1940 Ford
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1940 Ford

Westminster, MD

Best viewed at original size.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Hank Vander Velde04-Jan-2018 18:25
Much more colorful than the original no doubt, but a beauty nevertheless.
Don Mottershead04-Jan-2018 18:13
Kapow! Now that's colourful.
Marisa Livet04-Jan-2018 16:59
Nobody can take photos of car better than you!
Frank Brault04-Jan-2018 16:58
Gorgeous in yellow, against the grays. V
joseantonio04-Jan-2018 16:37
lovely contrast of that yellow color.V
globalgadabout04-Jan-2018 16:32
a geriatric gem...fine shot Dan..