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Dan Greenberg | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Black and White Favorites tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Black and White Favorites

This gallery has black and white, some with little touches of color, with no particular topic. This is not my only black and white work, by any means. Many of the images are samples from other galleries. The most recent additions are at the beginning.

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Vanishing Point
Vanishing Point
Hills and Valleys
Hills and Valleys
2 Birds - Halloween 2015
2 Birds - Halloween 2015
Oklahoma Centennial Clock
Oklahoma Centennial Clock
Ancient Roman Baths
Ancient Roman Baths
Sunset Skyline View from the Millennium Bridge
Sunset Skyline View from the Millennium Bridge
Alien Robots
Alien Robots
Galapagos Hawk
Galapagos Hawk
Old Time Perm Machine
Old Time Perm Machine
Ominous Hoodoo
Ominous Hoodoo
The Last Supper
The Last Supper
The World on His Shoulders
The World on His Shoulders
Palm Tree Abstract
Palm Tree Abstract
Salt Patterns
Salt Patterns
Grand Canyon Layers
Grand Canyon Layers
Bryce Spires
Bryce Spires
Abandoned Building
Abandoned Building
Old Post Office and Store
Old Post Office and Store
Chetro Ketl
Chetro Ketl
Ship Rock
Ship Rock
Coal Mine Canyon
Coal Mine Canyon
Lone Church
Lone Church
Strokkur Erupting
Strokkur Erupting
Agathla Peak - Early Morning
Agathla Peak - Early Morning
3 Old Gas Pumps
3 Old Gas Pumps
Glass Block Glow
Glass Block Glow
Angled Shadows
Angled Shadows
Afternoon Reflections
Afternoon Reflections
Building Blocks
Building Blocks
Sun Worshippers
Sun Worshippers
Church of San Francisco de Asis
Church of San Francisco de Asis
Outdoor Bathing Area
Outdoor Bathing Area
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