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Dan Greenberg | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Black and White Favorites tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Black and White Favorites

This gallery has black and white, some with little touches of color, with no particular topic. This is not my only black and white work, by any means. Many of the images are samples from other galleries. The most recent additions are at the beginning.

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Church of San Francisco de Asis
Church of San Francisco de Asis
Rifle Falls
Rifle Falls
Fresh Raindrops
Fresh Raindrops
Old Mining Equipment #3
Old Mining Equipment #3
Curved Metal Plates and Rivets
Curved Metal Plates and Rivets
The Holy Family
The Holy Family
Nighttime Traffic
Nighttime Traffic
Twisted and Gnarled
Twisted and Gnarled
Dimick Lighthouse
Dimick Lighthouse
Old City Street Scene
Old City Street Scene
Tug Boat in IR
Tug Boat in IR
Along CA 152
Along CA 152
Sydney Opera House
Sydney Opera House
What do you see?
What do you see?
Stearman C3B
Stearman C3B
Iron Horse Details
Iron Horse Details
The Mysterious Crystal Ball
The Mysterious Crystal Ball
The Globe at Willis Tower
The Globe at Willis Tower
Sand Waves
Sand Waves
Straight Up at an Angle
Straight Up at an Angle
Rock of Cashel
Rock of Cashel
San José Mission
San José Mission
Upper Antelope Canyon
Upper Antelope Canyon
Marina by the Kent Narrows Bridge
Marina by the Kent Narrows Bridge
Tiger and Ruins
Tiger and Ruins
José Martí Memorial
José Martí Memorial
Train Tracks under the Train
Train Tracks under the Train
Downtown Phoenix Abstract #1
Downtown Phoenix Abstract #1
The Moon Close Up
The Moon Close Up
Union Station at Dusk
Union Station at Dusk
Flowing Chocolate in B&W
Flowing Chocolate in B&W
Undulating Hills
Undulating Hills
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