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Dan Greenberg | profile | all galleries >> Travel and Places (43 Galleries) >> Six Days of Day Trips with Marcia Rules tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Six Days of Day Trips with Marcia Rules

During September, Marcia Rules, one of PBase's premier photographic artists, flew up to Denver and stayed with my wife and me with the purpose of going to various places around the area for photography. This gallery is the result of that trip. I did shoot a lot of infrared, dead cars, etc. during this so many of the images will also be copied and show up in my other existing galleries. We visited a lot of places, drank quite a bit of fine beer and, of course, had a lot of fun doing it. Please also visit her gallery for this venture which is filled with a lot of great images:
The newest photos are at the beginning.

Triangular Too
Triangular Too
1928-29 Ford Model A
1928-29 Ford Model A
Cheyenne Elevator
Cheyenne Elevator
A Glass of Beer
A Glass of Beer
View through a Grain Loading Area
View through a Grain Loading Area
The Back End
The Back End
Corner Stop
Corner Stop
Relaxing on the Front Porch
Relaxing on the Front Porch
The Isis Theatre
The Isis Theatre
Mid-afternoon Inside a Diner
Mid-afternoon Inside a Diner
On the Verge of Total Collapse
On the Verge of Total Collapse
Looking West
Looking West
Grain Complex
Grain Complex
Main Street
Main Street
Grain Bins
Grain Bins
Art Deco Gleaming Metal
Art Deco Gleaming Metal
Cheyenne Elevator
Cheyenne Elevator
Quonset Building with 3 Grain Bins
Quonset Building with 3 Grain Bins
Giant Cowboy Boots
Giant Cowboy Boots
Pastel Colored Cowboy Hats
Pastel Colored Cowboy Hats
Windmills in the Distance
Windmills in the Distance
The I-70 Diner
The I-70 Diner
The Seibert Hotel
The Seibert Hotel
A Lone Cow
A Lone Cow