This is the face of a cross stitch piece titled “Garden Verses” designed by Mirabilia. Aside from the general weave of the fabric which is a 32 count linen, you may notice that the stitches for her hair are larger than the skin. Her hair is done in what we call “over 2” meaning it crosses two weaves of the fabric. Several years ago when I stitched The Seasonal Queens, I got this grand idea to do the skin in what we call “1 over 1” meaning that you use one strand of floss and stitch over one weave of fabric. After that task (which took forever), a friend of mine said, “You should do all your skin over one. It can be your thing.” So, now I labor on the endless task of converting patterns to over one and dreaming of the day that I can complete the skin and move on to the more interesting portions of the piece.
Although I like this picture better, I elected the picture below for the challenge as one focuses more on the stitches in this piece than the fabric. I felt keeping with the theme was better.
For the many others participating in the Thursday Challenge who probably got their images in on time, please see the Thursday Challenge Forum