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Dominic Kite | all galleries >> periodical >> year_three >> february > 03-02-07 angie
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03-02-07 angie

Spent the lions share of the day with Terry and Angie (pictured), in an old disused mansion
in Singapore. I've not had a huge amount of time of late to look over the popular galleries, so I
had missed a lot of the attention the house has had previously through other galleries. It was
only when I got to work on Monday I had a chance to look at the work in question.

It was a magical place, very grand, very old.

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Chris05-May-2007 15:55
Beautiful woman. Nicely photographed. The depth of focus is very subtle, but very cool.
Bill Miller12-Feb-2007 19:51
Sensitively done ...
Greg Lavaty12-Feb-2007 16:13
Great shot! Vote
nomadicdragon12-Feb-2007 15:09
Beatiful shot. That is a magical place.
Guest 12-Feb-2007 14:15
great portrait, bravo.
jude12-Feb-2007 13:43
Beautiful with her look down... she seems melancholy .... thoughtful.