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19-MAR-2005 dominic

19-03-05 loch long

We woke up fairly early (well early, given the amount of booze, curry, and the time we got to bed
at). We sat for a good while out in the garden having breakfast in the sun, which was surprisingly
warm! The trouble is with Glasgow is that there are so many things to do all around the city. If
you spend too long discussing the ramifications, you’ll never get out. I was swiftly overruled by
my lovely wife, when I suggested going to see House for an Art Lover, designed by Charles Rennie
MacIntosh. Something along the lines of “I’m not going to see another gallery, you’d go and see an
exhibition of socks given half a chance”. In fairness, she’s not far wrong, I love going to galleries!

So in the end we decided to go up “the watter”, and headed north towards Helensburgh, before stopping
at the head of Loch Long, in Arrocher. The strong sun and mist combined to make a shot I was
delighted with.

More from the weekend to follow!

Olympus C-50Z
1/1000s f/8.0 at 17.2mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 19-Nov-2008 12:30
so good
Gordon W31-Dec-2006 10:03
Beautiful scene and dramatic lighting. Well shot.
jude25-Jul-2005 21:17
I'm back to say... this is even better from my computer. Devestatingly beautiful.. seriously so frameable.. yay you!
jude25-Jul-2005 13:03
The whole scene is so spiritual and serene.. the light on the water.. and the sun streams are exquisite.. Your best scenic, truly (next to the one you sent :D)
type23-Jun-2005 20:24
Wow Dom. Wow...
joshishots24-Mar-2005 14:30
Really great! really moody sky and nice reflection of the light on the water.
Gayle P. Clement23-Mar-2005 18:05
I always think that the sun beams like that look like a blessing.
Chris23-Mar-2005 06:13
That is awesome. Everything from the downward rays to the great detail in the ripples. You rocked the loch. Quaked the lake? Eh, :)
Guest 22-Mar-2005 19:57
lovely picture, well captured!!!!
northstar3722-Mar-2005 19:30
yes it's top class :-)
nomadicdragon22-Mar-2005 13:27
Zak22-Mar-2005 12:52
you were'nt far from me! heheh
don nieman22-Mar-2005 10:35
You should be delighted. This is a very beautifully captured scene.
Peter Eklöf22-Mar-2005 10:06
beautiful picture wich works well with the high contrast.
laine8222-Mar-2005 09:41
That's a very beautiful image Dom. I feel that at any moment something is going to change in there..which is credit to your capture. Voting.