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Gary Winters | all galleries >> Galleries >> Learning My Way Around the Canon A620 > One of my Budding Photographers
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One of my Budding Photographers

I apologized to Hallie today. I told her I was sorry but
I couldn't help share my enthusiasm for photography with
her and her sister. I apologized for the predicatable fact
that in a few years, when she's out and on her own, she's
going to be spending money -- GOOD MONEY -- on lenses, filters,
tripods, software, and so on. I "apologized" for helping create...

a photographer!

Canon PowerShot A620
1/50s f/4.1 at 29.2mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
laine8214-May-2006 22:16
She may ask for a handout to help pay for it as a part of her forgiveness. Nice shot of Hallie
Gail Davison14-May-2006 19:42
Call the doctors when she starts surfing the B&H website...hahaha.
Pepe Zyman14-May-2006 19:41
Agree with Robin!
BAS Photography14-May-2006 18:57
:D Is a good cause Gary and you are a good teacher!
Robin Reid14-May-2006 17:45
Why dond't you just give her the Rebel and stick with the PowerShot? ;-)
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