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Gary Winters | all galleries >> Galleries >> Learning My Way Around the Canon A620 > My Balcony Garden
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My Balcony Garden

Perhaps I don't spend enough time with it.

Canon PowerShot A620
1/60s f/3.5 at 7.3mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Mindy McNaugher13-May-2006 18:15
Yours looks better than mine right now!! ;-)
Guest 13-May-2006 01:02
Fantastic, Gary
Cindy13-May-2006 00:34
Ummm, maybe if you paint your thumb green, it will grow. :-)
Pepe Zyman12-May-2006 22:22
Gail Davison12-May-2006 19:12
hahaha. You never know....
Antonis Sarantos12-May-2006 17:34
It's not much of a garden but there is a plant full of promises...
Guest 12-May-2006 15:40
Haha! I hope you were not hoping for a salad! :)
Robin Reid12-May-2006 14:06
Having fun I see ... even when you are going to pot!
Sheila12-May-2006 13:52
Tsk, Tsk.
Jola Dziubinska12-May-2006 08:35
Did you spread any seeds at all...? Or just this one came with the wind?
laine8212-May-2006 08:05
Oh need help, Lad.
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