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Gary Winters | all galleries >> Galleries >> Learning My Way Around the Canon A620 > April Showers Brought May Flowers
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April Showers Brought May Flowers

I picked up a new Point n Shoot to take with me on my
bike and business trips when I don't want to lug around
the big Digital Rebel.

This is the second picture I took on the new camera.

Canon PowerShot A620
1/320s f/4.0 at 7.3mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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shatterbug14-May-2006 05:51
Great macro! The colors are stunning!
Greg Harp13-May-2006 20:43
Outstanding macro--congratulations on the camera.
Pepe Zyman12-May-2006 22:21
Excellent macro!
Herb 12-May-2006 15:22
Nice image
Argishti Khachik12-May-2006 10:18
WOW! Wonderful shot my friend! Voted.
laine8212-May-2006 04:04
Looks a good buy..that's a super closeup !
Guest 12-May-2006 04:01
working just fine! i thought you had a p&s camera which you took along with your bike ride? antoher one?
Steven Jusczyk12-May-2006 03:12
Lovely close-up work, especially for a pointandshoot.
Guest 12-May-2006 03:05
Beautiful! Nice capture!
Gayle P. Clement12-May-2006 02:42
That is one sharp camera. GReat job.
Mindy McNaugher12-May-2006 01:52
Stunning macro Gary!!
Karen Leaf12-May-2006 01:44
Whoa! I'd like the 20d to do such good work. Love the shot Gary.
Sheila12-May-2006 01:43
That is an excellent close up on the day lily!
Graham Tomlin12-May-2006 01:38
lovely regards Helen
Guest 12-May-2006 01:30
This camera looks to be good at close-up!
royalld12-May-2006 01:03
I think you are going to like that camera.
It is already proving its worth.
Robin Reid12-May-2006 00:52
Hey .... that is a super camera and you got great results here GW.
Scott Browne12-May-2006 00:39
Great shot!
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