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Digipets | profile | all galleries >> Picture of the Month Contest Galleries >> Archived Picture of Month Galleries >> June 2006 Picture of Month Entries tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

June 2006 Picture of Month Entries

"Pairs" is our theme for this month.
Please place your entry here. Instructions for upload are in the Files section of Digipets under "pbaseupload.doc".

Please size your image at not much more than 150kb. One entry per month. Do not include your name or EXIF info.

Winning entry will grace the home page for the month of July. Winner of this contest will select the theme for next month's contest and also create the title image. Winner may also participate in next month's contest.

Visitors, please do not leave comments.
g4/25/285225/3/61190696.Pair.jpg Ornaments
Two Eyes, a Nose and a Mouth
Two Eyes, a Nose and a Mouth
Pair of Orchids
Pair of Orchids
A Pair of Four-Legged Sooner Fans
A Pair of Four-Legged Sooner Fans
What A Pair!!!
What A Pair!!!