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Ohio and Lower Michigan-Cuyahoga NP; River Raisin NBP; Sleeping Bear NL

Cuyahoga Valley NP-Ohio
Though a short distance from the urban areas of Cleveland and Akron, Cuyahoga Valley National Park seems worlds away. The park is a refuge for native plants and wildlife, and provides routes of discovery for visitors. The winding Cuyahoga River gives way to deep forests, rolling hills, and open farmlands. Walk or ride the Towpath Trail to follow the historic route of the Ohio & Erie Canal.

River Raisin NBP (Monroe, MI)-War of 1812
River Raisin National Battlefield Park preserves, commemorates, and interprets the January 1813 battles of the War of 1812 and their aftermath in Monroe and Wayne counties in SE Michigan. The Battle (Frenchtown) resulted in the greatest victory for Tecumseh’s American Indian confederation and the greatest defeat for the U.S. The resulting rally cry “Remember the Raisin” spurred support for the rest of the war. The Battle ended in what was described as a "national calamity" by then General William Henry Harrison, and later President of the United States. Frenchtown was a desolate settlement for eight months following the battle. American dead were left unburied due to Indian threats; and more homes were burned and plundered. The River Raisin was liberated on September 27, 1813, when Colonel Richard M. Johnson's Kentucky cavalry, guided by men from the Raisin, rode into the settlement

Sleeping Bear Dunes NL (Empire, MI)
Miles of sand beach and bluffs that tower 450’ above Lake Michigan are as old as old as continental ice sheets. Lush forests, clear inland lakes, unique flora and fauna make up the natural world of Sleeping Bear Dunes. High dunes afford spectacular views across the lake. The lakeshore was set aside ore for preservation of the natural resources and for public use. With 65 miles of Lake Michigan shoreline and numerous inland lakes and streams, the park is wonderfully water oriented.
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