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Dan Hillsman | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Mexico 2004 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Mexico 2004

In June 2004, Barbara and I visited my family in the area of Lake Chapala, Jalisco. While there we visited Patzcuaro, Michoacon which is high altitude and quite cool in the summer. Patzcuaro is really a beautiful place. My camera on this trip was my Nikon Collpix 990 - still a nice point and shoot.
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Patzcuarro Cathedral on Market day
Patzcuarro Cathedral on Market day
Barbara and Robbie
Barbara and Robbie
Barn Swallows
Barn Swallows
Lake Chapala end of the dry season
Lake Chapala end of the dry season
Unidentified wild lilly
Unidentified wild lilly
Chapala from the mountain
Chapala from the mountain
Barbara Handles the steep incline well
Barbara Handles the steep incline well
Roberta and Susan approach 11 Patios
Roberta and Susan approach 11 Patios
11 Patios
11 Patios
Sue Robbie and Barbara in Pazcuarro
Sue Robbie and Barbara in Pazcuarro
Susan, Roberta, and Barbara
Susan, Roberta, and Barbara
My aunt and Uncle's home in Jalisco
My aunt and Uncle's home in Jalisco
Parque Central in Patzcuarro
Parque Central in Patzcuarro
Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico
Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico
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