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David Hussey | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Naperville 2014 - The RPM Conference tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Naperville 2014 - The RPM Conference

The 21th Annual Naperville/Lisle RPM Meet, now known as The RPM Conference was held October 9-11, 2014. The meet was successfully run by PPW/A-line owner Joe D'Elia, with help from his wife Michelle. 280 people attended. Here is a sample of some of the fine modeling. This year the meet was held at the Sheraton Hotel that last year was a Windam Hotel in Lisle.

David Hussey
All photos are Copyright by David Hussey and may not be reused without permission, hovever linking to this site is acceptable. Spelling corrections welcome. This year there were several groups of models with no identification, so if anyone has the information contact me at
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