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David Hussey | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Naperville 2006- Sunshine Models Prototype Modelers Meet, tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Naperville 2006- Sunshine Models Prototype Modelers Meet,

Sunshine Models held their annual Prototype Modelers Meet in Naperville, IL October 26-29, 2006. With over 400 attendees this year. Here is a sample of some of the fine modeling, including a lot of Proto48.

David Hussey

All images Copyright by David Hussey, and may not be used without permission, however linking is permitted.
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Stan Schwedler - Proto48
Stan Schwedler - Proto48
Stan Schwedler - Proto48
Stan Schwedler - Proto48
Stan Schwedler - Proto48
Stan Schwedler - Proto48
Stan Schwedler - Proto48
Stan Schwedler - Proto48
Stan Schwedler - Proto48
Stan Schwedler - Proto48
Stan Schwedler - Proto48
Stan Schwedler - Proto48
Stan Schwedler - Proto48
Stan Schwedler - Proto48
Stan Schwedler - Proto48
Stan Schwedler - Proto48
Jim Hickey - Proto 48
Jim Hickey - Proto 48
Jim Hickey - Proto 48
Jim Hickey - Proto 48
Jim Hickey - Proto 48
Jim Hickey - Proto 48
Jim Hickey - Proto 48
Jim Hickey - Proto 48
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