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Zane Paxton | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Pacific Coast Region > 01122008-Coast-ZP-73
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12-JAN-2008 Zane Paxton


Scott Creek, North of Davenport, California

The recent big storm had thrown the kelp way up on the sand and some of it back into the lagoon behind me.
Normally I would be standing waist deep in the lagoon in this spot,
but the storm rearranged the sand quite a bit.

Nikon D2x ,Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8D ED-IF AF-S
1/2s f/11.0 at 20.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jim Coffman10-Feb-2008 18:10
Wonderful image. Beautiful light.
monil16-Jan-2008 18:54
sublime this composition .v
Della Huff15-Jan-2008 06:02
Nice. Is this HDR? Looks like a tough exposure to get the detail on the concrete. Nicely done.
Mark Krauss14-Jan-2008 17:46
Neat POV. Did you really shoot this with a Canon lens on your D2x?