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Dennis Huff | profile | all galleries >> Rocket Launches >> MUOS-5 (Atlas V) June 24, 2016 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

MUOS-5 (Atlas V) June 24, 2016

June 24, 2016 - A United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket launches from SLC-41, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, with the fifth Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) satellite for the U.S. Navy. Built by Lockheed Martin, this U.S. military spacecraft will provide tactical communications for U.S. forces in the field. The rocket flies in the 551 vehicle configuration with a five-meter fairing, five solid rocket boosters and a single-engine Centaur upper stage.

Photos taken from LC-39 Observation Gantry - a distance of about 2.25 miles.
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)
MUOS-5 (Atlas V)