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Astra 1KR (Atlas 5) - 20 April 2006

An Atlas 5 launcher successfully carried the ASTRA 1KR satellite into orbit on April 20, 2006 on the third mission of the year for International Launch Services (ILS). The 19-story Atlas V-411 vehicle lifted off from Cape Canaveral's Launch Complex 41 at 4:27 p.m. EDT (20:47 GMT).

After a flight of 1 hour 48 minutes, the launcher's Centaur upper stage released the satellite into a geosynchronous transfer orbit. Lockheed Martin built both the satellite and the Atlas V launcher.
Astra 1KR (Atlas 5)
Astra 1KR (Atlas 5)
Astra 1KR (Atlas 5)
Astra 1KR (Atlas 5)
Astra 1KR (Atlas 5)
Astra 1KR (Atlas 5)