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DeMorcan | all galleries >> Galleries >> Monotones, Duotones, And Tinted > Makers_Mark_62019_006.jpg
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This is my year of color and I am trying to learn to use color better. Still, my love is duotones. Since they also pay for my camera gear and I want a new lens, I did this one. Processed to print on cotton rag and did not redo for video display as I have been busy today. I still find it easier to create moods (or attempt to) with duotones.

Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark II
1/90s f/6.7 at 25.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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jypsee17-Jan-2020 18:19
I don’t usually like a centered subject, but this works!
Julie Oldfield29-Jun-2019 15:34
Excellent tones and so well composed. V
Bill Miller29-Jun-2019 01:09
Very well presented picture
Dennis Hoyne28-Jun-2019 20:46
A wonderful image, beautiful tone and fine detail.
Karen Stuebing28-Jun-2019 19:04
Beautiful tones and details. This is really nice in duotone. I can imagine it printed. V.
Yvonne28-Jun-2019 11:09
Very effective... lovely quiet colours.. v
regi olbrechts28-Jun-2019 09:11
This lovely composition/scene works well in this colour Wayne. V.