I hesitate to call myself a portrait photographer, because my style is journalistic -- that is, I don't "pose" children in front of a fake snow backdrop and surprise them to make them smile. Instead, I meet with families at a playground, a garden, a backyard -- somewhere where children are comfortable -- and capture them naturally interacting with their environment. Kids are happiest -- and most radiant -- when they are naturally inspired by discovery, surprise, and fun. I take several hundred pictures over the course of an hour to ensure that there are many beautiful, but completely candid shots that capture your child's natural personality. See the photos below for a recent sample of my work.
I will work with you to create the best package for your needs. Example $250 package:
• One-hour photoshoot at a location of your choice
• Up to two primary subjects (children)... $50 for each additional subject
• At least 300 original images
• Three hours of post-production digital editing
• 20 images artistically edited with b&w, sepia, enhanced color, and borders
• A ready-to-print CD with all original high-res images and edited photos
• An online gallery to share your photographs with family & friends
If you are interested in a photo session in the Los Angeles area, please contact me at della.huff (at) gmail.com. Thank you for your interest!
Della Huff | della.huff (at) gmail.com | 413.531.9826