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I pass by farms as these on my drive to work.I was hoping to
catch them early someday.Today,it had to be!

(The sheep and me had one thing in common..we were both late to work:)

What a gorgeous "Sunrise" it was
(..and click original as always)

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 16-Jul-2006 14:54
Super shot. Don`t worry about being late for work if it means getting a shot like this. Vote & regards, Adam
marita toftgard16-Apr-2006 13:49
incredible light...
and what a great photo in all!!
my compliments
Guest 13-Dec-2005 12:13
Wonderful sunrise!!! Spot on!!!
kent larnhill30-Sep-2005 13:39
Amazing shot, well done!
Guest 29-Sep-2005 07:37
oh boy!!..what a stunner.... its a killer capture!!!just too good
cheers and voted!
Besati28-Sep-2005 02:32
Brilliant shot!!
steve mcsweeny27-Sep-2005 03:30
Beautiful shot.Vote!
Guest 26-Sep-2005 17:04
What a splendid sunrise! I love your observation of the sheep being late for work.
Guest 26-Sep-2005 02:32
Fabulous shot!
Elaine (etfitz)26-Sep-2005 02:21
Fabulous light!
Jeffery Stahlman25-Sep-2005 21:18
terrific capture
Graham Tomlin25-Sep-2005 19:19
nice picture
Guest 25-Sep-2005 19:00
Lovely shot!
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography25-Sep-2005 15:23
Marvelous :)
Dennis Warren25-Sep-2005 15:15
Some things...actually most things, are more important than work!
Focus25-Sep-2005 15:11
Outstanding image!!.....well done.
Mary Beamond25-Sep-2005 14:50
Really lovely.
Guest 25-Sep-2005 14:12
Wonderful sunrise and image!
Herb 25-Sep-2005 13:49
Great image
joanteno25-Sep-2005 13:43
Wonderful image?
Guest 25-Sep-2005 13:15
What a wonderful capture!
Sheila25-Sep-2005 12:49
Beautiful, gorgeous light!!
Beverly Wickersham25-Sep-2005 11:59
Excellent shot.
Larry Ahern25-Sep-2005 11:54
Fantastic image!!
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