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Peter Stahl | profile | all galleries >> birds_of_the_world >> Raptors >> Prairie Falcons tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Prairie Falcons

Was fortunate to be asked to come along and band Prairie falcons.
What a great day. We checked out 7 different prairie eyries which four were being used.
Most clutches had 5 birds and three failed. These shots were taken west of Cochrane, Alberta.
Many thanks to Mark Williams and John Campbell who has banded over 12,000 various birds over 40 years for making it a great day.
Speeding bullet.jpg Take off.jpg Prairie falcon  static shot.jpg
Prairie Falcon.jpg Falcon6.jpg Falcon 5 copy.tif
Prairie 4.jpg Prairie-3.jpg Clutch of Priaires copy.jpg
banding.jpg Prairie-against-the-forest.jpg Checking me out.jpg
Prairie falcon on rock.jpg Prairie-falcon2.jpg