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Peter Stahl | all galleries >> Galleries >> flowers > Fuchsia.jpg
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Stephen Ware08-Jul-2009 00:12
Wow! Outstanding detail and colors. V
Nestor Derkach19-Jul-2008 09:22
Excellent floral,very beatiful, great resolution and beautiful bokeh to compliment the flower.
Guest 14-Jul-2008 22:44
The color just pops! Beautiful. v
Guest 14-Jul-2008 17:31
beautiful! V
Adeline14-Jul-2008 05:32
Nice composition and color. Lovely image. V.
QUERIDO13-Jul-2008 05:38
Excellent shot,vote
Ann Sherba13-Jul-2008 02:30
Elaine (etfitz)13-Jul-2008 01:35
Fabulous color and wonderful dof!
Yi Feng13-Jul-2008 01:31
Super detail and rich colors Peter! Stunning! V
Matthew Mannell12-Jul-2008 18:03
Delicious color!! Rainbow sherbert anyone? Great shot Peter!
coaster12-Jul-2008 17:08
Beautiful shot; well done!
Guest 12-Jul-2008 14:21
Superbly taken Peter..
Nice and sharp and a nice BG..voted
edwina beaumont12-Jul-2008 08:09
nice detail and i like the varied background
Fong Lam12-Jul-2008 06:30
Beautiful colors and details and a nice background, Peter.
Jim Stephens12-Jul-2008 02:14
Outstanding color and composition! V.
Jay Levin11-Jul-2008 23:34
Great detail and color in this beautiful shot, Peter. Love the colorful background too. Vote
Carole Stevens11-Jul-2008 19:14
Had to come back and look again, this is stunning, incredible colour!
Big VOTE!!!
Carole Stevens11-Jul-2008 19:12
Beautiful capture!
john savage11-Jul-2008 18:51
Wow, perfect. Great focus and dof. super image Peter. V
Marco Valk11-Jul-2008 18:46
terrific detail, Peter. beautiful background colors. gmv
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography11-Jul-2008 17:25
Beautiful, fine colors and bokeh, Vote.
Guest 11-Jul-2008 14:41
Its like a color explosion.Great shot Peter
Guest 11-Jul-2008 14:07
wonderful detail and color, Peter
Guest 11-Jul-2008 13:44
Beautiful image! v.
Guest 11-Jul-2008 13:38
Beautiful image, Peter. The composition and color are perfect. Well done. V
CM Kwan11-Jul-2008 11:42
Amazingly beautiful, Peter! V
Sheila11-Jul-2008 09:04
Superb floral, Peter.
fdt11-Jul-2008 08:43
Beautiful. f
Bryan Murahashi11-Jul-2008 06:28
Very nice colors. V
Alina11-Jul-2008 04:46
Lovely flowers. Perfectly sharp and colorful. v
Tom Munson11-Jul-2008 04:19
Outstanding image, Peter. Beautiful colors, sharp and that perfect background. V
Peter Ericsson11-Jul-2008 04:16
Wonderful colors!
Gayle P. Clement11-Jul-2008 03:43
Excellent color and detail, Peter.
Hank Vander Velde11-Jul-2008 03:40
Beautiful sharp/colourful image Peter. Good bg too. V.
Jess. ( Lady.D.)11-Jul-2008 03:30
Beautiful ballerinas in purple skirts, lovely capture Peter, sharp and great background...
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