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Peter Stahl | all galleries >> Galleries >> bugsmacroflowers > Dragonfly.jpg
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Canon EOS-1D X
1/640s f/9.0 at 1120.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Graeme12-Jul-2013 09:42
Beautiful fine details. BV
Milan Vogrin12-Jul-2013 08:41
Great shot! V!
Arbi Arzouman23-Dec-2012 02:22
Amazing. It looks funny with a BIG smile :)
Hank Vander Velde18-Sep-2012 03:17
A super head-on shot Peter.
Guest 18-Sep-2012 02:46

Very cool.
Guest 18-Sep-2012 01:29
Excellent image of this dragonfly...
Vickie BROWN17-Sep-2012 16:30
Wow, this is amazing, Peter, a reraly front portrait of the dragonfly, you have captured this to to perfection! BV
Jim Coffman17-Sep-2012 12:56
Very fine capture of this colorful dragonfly,Peter! It seems to be smiling at you!
CM Kwan17-Sep-2012 12:49
Amazing close-up, Peter! V
Joanne Kamo17-Sep-2012 09:04
Fabulous macro with warm lighting and color!
Marco Valk17-Sep-2012 07:52
Great (tele) macro shot.
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal17-Sep-2012 06:15
Fantastic sharp image !! V
Guest 17-Sep-2012 03:06
Terrific capture! V.
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