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Peter Stahl | all galleries >> birds_of_the_world >> Local Birds/Animals > Belted Kingfisher.jpg
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Belted Kingfisher.jpg

Canon EOS-1D X
1/1250s f/6.3 at 800.0mm iso2000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Sheila04-Sep-2012 00:21
Super capture and wonderful complimentary tones.
Nestor Derkach03-Sep-2012 19:24
Excellent in flight image ,love all that spacious sky and the coloring complimenting the
Belted Kingfisher.
Perfect in the presentation frame.
Yi Feng03-Sep-2012 18:40
Outstanding shot, Peter
Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal03-Sep-2012 17:01
Fantastic Peter, great work!! V
CM Kwan02-Sep-2012 12:53
Wow, this is superb! V
Pierre02-Sep-2012 12:49
Une capture magnifique! V
fdt02-Sep-2012 07:08
Great catch. f
Bryan Murahashi02-Sep-2012 04:02
A superb capture of this zooming Kingfisher.
s_barbour02-Sep-2012 01:09
Beautiful sharp capture of the Kingfisher...they are pretty quick! V
Guest 02-Sep-2012 00:32
It's like trying to photograph a bullit. Great job Peter.
Hank Vander Velde01-Sep-2012 23:41
Very nice flight shot against that bluest of skies Peter.
pkocinski01-Sep-2012 23:14
Excellent capture of this Kingfisher!
Guest 01-Sep-2012 22:18
Wow! Fantastic capture of my nemesis, Peter.
Paul Keates01-Sep-2012 22:08
Excellent image....V
Vickie BROWN01-Sep-2012 21:12
Terrific action shot, Peter! V
Gary Hebert01-Sep-2012 20:12
Superb... :-)
Gary Hebert01-Sep-2012 18:48
Superb... :-)
Jim Coffman01-Sep-2012 18:41
Very well done,Peter!
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