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Peter Stahl | all galleries >> birds_of_the_world >> Birds of Sweden > Common Eider.jpg
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Common Eider.jpg


Canon EOS 1DS Mark III
1/1600s f/5.6 at 800.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dave Hawkins16-Jul-2012 20:17
Lovely pair of shots, we never get them around us V
Jim Coffman15-Jul-2012 22:08
Wonderful work,Peter!!
francoisconstantin15-Jul-2012 20:30
Nice couple, well taken.
Jacques Falardeau15-Jul-2012 20:28
belle prise A++++
Tom Munson15-Jul-2012 20:14
Beautiful pair of images, Peter! Great work!
s_barbour15-Jul-2012 20:03
Most excellent details Peter!
Vickie BROWN15-Jul-2012 17:50
Superb capture and really neat portraits!
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