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Peter Stahl | all galleries >> Galleries >> flowers > Dahlia.jpg
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Ashley Hockenberry10-Jun-2011 01:29
Ashley Hockenberry20-Dec-2010 01:26
Steve Morris16-Jun-2010 16:10
Stunning colour and contrast!BV
Jean D16-Jun-2010 00:54
Lovely macro capture after a summer shower, Peter!
CM Kwan01-Aug-2009 08:41
Outstanding close-up, Peter! V
Bryan Murahashi30-Jul-2009 04:46
Beautiful flower and photo.
s_barbour30-Jul-2009 00:47
Exquisite shot Peter, such beautiful colour and details! V
Carol Rollins30-Jul-2009 00:45
Wonderful light and color, Peter, and beautifully composed. The water drops add such a
lovely sparkle! ~
Hank Vander Velde30-Jul-2009 00:05
Very nice capture of this beautiful flower Peter. Sharp, good light and nice dark bg.
lou_rozensteins29-Jul-2009 22:59
Beautiful, Peter! Well done. Voted.
fdt29-Jul-2009 17:52
Nice one. f
Guest 29-Jul-2009 16:04
Well done Larry.
Carl Carbone29-Jul-2009 15:42
W-O-W. Amazing color, light and detail. V
Guest 29-Jul-2009 14:26
Simply beautiful!
Guest 29-Jul-2009 11:01
Wonderful lighting and colors and very sharp, Peter... a beautiful flower!
Fong Lam29-Jul-2009 08:26
Gorgeous flower and looks so fresh with those droplets ~V~
Guest 29-Jul-2009 06:42
Beautiful image, Peter. The detail and color are superb. Love the water drops. Well done., V
Tom Munson29-Jul-2009 03:15
This is beautiful, great colors and sharp.
Michael Shpuntov29-Jul-2009 03:03
Very beautiful flower shot. Love the droplets and colors. Vote
Guest 29-Jul-2009 03:00
Very pretty flower, fantastic exposure and dof. v
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