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Peter Stahl | profile | all galleries >> birds_of_the_world >> Raptors >> Bald Eagles tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Bald Eagles

Eagles.jpg Bald-Eagle-in-Flight.jpg Bald-eagle-chased-by-cooper-hawk.jpg Bald eagle.jpg
Bald Eagle.jpg Eagle .jpg Eagle flight 2.jpg Bald-eagle-in-the-evening-light.jpg
Bringing home dinner.jpg 100  crop web.jpg Full frame .jpg Bald eagle dinner for the young.jpg
Eagle in flight 3.jpg Bald eagle on nest.jpg Bald eagle flight shot 4.jpg Bald Eagle Flight.jpg
Bald eagle.jpg Eagle sequence.jpg Eagle left stance.jpg eagle web.jpg
Eagle-winter.jpg Flying eagle.jpg Eagle soaring.jpg Eagle on roost.jpg
Eagle Lunch.jpg Eagle fly by.jpg Eaglets. 100% crop.jpg Eagle launch.jpg
Eagle launch.jpg Eagle on a limb.jpg Eagle flight.jpg Eagle patrol.jpg
Eagle portrait full.jpg