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D Brown | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Emily tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


My kitty Emily is very photogenic. Fortunately, she does not run and hide when the camera comes out.
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Holy cat tongue, batman!
Holy cat tongue, batman!
What are you looking at?
What are you looking at?
You were expecting something else under the tree?
You were expecting something else under the tree?
DSC_5069 ppd ii.jpg
DSC_5069 ppd ii.jpg
DSC_5137 ppd.jpg
DSC_5137 ppd.jpg
DSC_5139 ppd.jpg
DSC_5139 ppd.jpg
DSC_5144 PPD.jpg
DSC_5144 PPD.jpg
Emily on the bed
Emily on the bed
Yawn ii
Yawn ii
Yawn iii
Yawn iii
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